Thank you for booking with us.
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What happens next?
This short guide has been created to walk you through the process of completing your CliftonStrengths assessment, accessing and understanding your CliftonStrengths report, and getting the most out of your coaching experience.
You will need to complete your CliftonStrengths assessment on the Gallup website. You will receive an email from Gallup which gives you your unique access code to complete the assessment. This may go to your junk folder so please do check there too! If you have not received your code within 3 working days of completing your booking, please email for assistance.
Complete Your Assessment
Click on the link in your email from Gallup to ‘Get Started’ (this link has your unique access code embedded and will take you straight to the assessment)
The assessment will take you between 25 and 45 minutes to complete. It is advisable to complete the assessment in a quiet environment without interruptions and other demands on your time.
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers - the best insights come from you giving your honest gut responses to each question. There are no prizes for giving the answers you think are 'best' - the more honest your responses, the better your report and coaching experience will be. You will soon learn that, in Strengths, differences are advantages - so please don't shy away from your true responses.
Prepare for your session
Read your Full34 report and highlight anything which particularly resonates/anything you have any questions/queries on. Perhaps share your report with a friend, family member or colleague to gauge their response - does it sound like you, do they have examples?
Attend your 1:1 Strengths coaching session
You should have received an invitation which is visible in your calendar. You will need a stable internet connection with minimal disruptions for this session. If you need to rearrange your session for any reason, please follow the link within your calendar invite.